Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So, I have decided to give up buying make up, for Lent this year...this is very upsetting but probably best for me. Which means I won't be (or shouldn't be) posting anything new in the next 40 days! Sooo...instead I will be posting reviews about the products I have gotten over the last couple weeks/months, which is a lot so that should be able to keep me busy in the mean time. And also updated pics of my collection as it stands now and more favorites!

That stuff aside I have a little over 300 views for this blog so I wanted to thank you guys for viewing my page, I know it's not a lot but it's still a high number to me so thank you for the support. Also special thanks to my co-workers who "Catch up with me" weekly!...I really appreciate it! :)

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