So I bought two Essie nail Polishes just because I wanted to do a French manicure for my birthday celebration Thursday. I needed a soft pink and new white polish. I don't like buying Essie polishes just because they are almost $8.

This is the first time buying an NYC palette but I just felt like picking one up. :)

I needed a new brush for highlighting and this E.L.F brush was only $1, I think it's surprisingly my first ELF brush but they are good quality.

Picked up some nail stickers, this is just in case I am feeling lazy and don't want to draw a design on my nail, I can just put a sticker on...cheating, I know. But you all know what I am capable of as far as designs go. :)

Now for some ULTA. This is another sample set from Cargo. It comes with a mini bronzer, mascara and a 2-in-1 concealer and primer. I've never used Cargo before but I love buying these little sets because it allows me to test out some products and if I don't like it, then at least I didn't spend too much on it.

Picked up a NYX glitter eyeliner in Gold, just for some extra color/experiementing.

And another eyeliner in Purple...oh how my collection has grown.

Lastly, I bought myself this Calvin Klein mini perfume set. These all smell so good and I love the fact that they're mini because I can just put one in my purse and it won't be a big deal.

And this is what my perfume collection looks like now...definitely filled up my container too fast.
Well that was my mini haul. It was a mixture of birthday money and just getting paid from work. I definitely went a little over board but hey, I knew I was going to have some kind of shopping spree after my birthday. I also bought my mom's Mother's Day gift so something good came out of it. :)
I also just wanted to thank everyone who came out and celebrated my birthday with me on Sunday...oh what an unattractive night haha. But I love my co-workers reguardless sooo just a little shout out to you all who stayed til midnight just to celebrate my first few hours of being 21 with me. I did stay safe and thank you for making sure I was okay!
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